Recently Issued a Traffic Violation?
We can handle any and all types of traffic violations, most times without the necessity of you being present in court. Don’t take time off from work to wait hours in traffic court, when we can accomplish the desired goal of a dismissal or reduction of changes on your behalf.
If you have received a traffic ticket in the New Orleans area, the easiest and most cost effective way to handle it is to hire us to fight on your behalf – to help keep your driving record clean to avoid high penalties from traffic court and increased insurance premiums.
If you’ve missed court, and have received an additional contempt of court fee, for failure to appear on the designated date, we can possibly get those fees waived. We take pride in fighting aggressively to keep you driving safely and legally on the road.
If you’re driving with a suspended license, you run the risk of being stopped by the police and arrested. Consequently, if you are found guilty of driving on a suspended license, you will lose your license for a year. We can get it unsuspended and you driving without the fear of being arrested.